Every so often the theme of the site changes. Sometimes it looks kind of weird I know. Livia asked one day if we could change the look and feel of the site and if she could pick the colors. І let her. Not too many months later, Owen asked too. I let him. I decided to let them pick the colors from now on. I try to help them determne what looks good, but if they really push for something, I let them have their way. So if you saw the site changed and thought to yourself. "what the heck?", here is your answer. Enjoy.

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LunarPages.com The BEST VALUE in web hosting provider anywhere! My current provider. Click through this link to order and help me out.
Go Daddy.com Great registrar in price and features. My current registrar.
Tiger Direct.com Online Computer Technology Shop. Great price, reliable, and reputable. I buy most of my stuff here.
K7.net Free Fax and Voice mail service. Don't pay for EFax!
Mark's Website My brother, Mark Hibshman's, website.
NHL.com Home of the Naional Hockey League.
Sun's Java Site Java Development Resource
PHP Development Community Web server-side scripting language.
Apache Software Foundation Open Source Projects from Apache.
W3 Schools Good beginner tutorials for web technology.
Download.com Download site central. All you need is here.
ActiveState Development Community Perl script for Windows.
MySQL Database website Powerful, Free, Internet standard relational database
NexPoint.net Another great web hosting provider. A previous provider that I was very happy with.